What We Can Learn From Dogs

Melissa and Brady

Melissa and Brady

This morning I was inspired by my 2 year old dog Brady. That little guy really knows how to live life. Sometimes I sit and think I could learn a lot from him. I know you may think this sounds crazy, but here are a few things we could really learn from dogs:

Enjoy the little things: Dogs are so appreciative and happy! The smallest thing, such as rolling down the window for Brady so he can get a fresh breeze on his face, can make his entire day. Last time someone rolled down the window for me I “barked” at them (pun intended) to roll it back up, my hair was getting messy! We should enjoy these little things more and I think we could find a little bit more happiness out of our day.

Brady enjoying the park

Brady enjoying the park

Greet your loved ones: In my opinion this action has been lost over time. Whenever I come home Brady rushes to the door to greet me and lets me know how much he loves and misses me! Typically when people come to your home, unless you have to open the door for them, you stay exactly where you are and shout out “hi!” Next time your family comes over (mine has their own key) or that special someone, get up and give them a hug first thing when they walk in. They will really appreciate it and it’s a great habit to get into!

Brady waiting patiently for Mommy to come home.

Brady waiting patiently for Mommy to come home.

Take any opportunity to be outside: If you ask my dog (yes he understands English) if he would rather sit inside and flip through his Instagram page (@bradypickles) or be outside running around at the beach, he would choose the latter every time. With so many TV shows to catch up on and technology taking over our lives, we get so lazy. Try to be outside more, even if you live in the colder parts of the world, and enjoy the fresh air! Put down the technology once in a while.

Brady at the beach

Brady at the beach

Let people know how you feel about them: One of the most wonderful things about dogs is that their emotions are black and white. If they like you, they let you know. If they are upset with you they let you know as well. They don’t make you play the guessing game. When Brady meets a new person he really likes he instantly lets that person know it (usually by licking them to death, which I suggest you don’t do!). Be more honest and upfront with people, you will lead a much happier life if you don’t hold emotions back.

Brady wasn't as excited as I was to meet Lea Black from the RHOM.

Brady wasn’t as excited as I was to meet Lea Black from the RHOM.


Find the silver lining in any situation: I genuinely believe dog’s brains are programmed to look at any situation as a glass half full. For example if Brady wants to play fetch but no one will play with him he throws his bone across the room by flinging it from his mouth and goes after it. When it is too hot out Brady will find the littlest bit of shade and lie down and just enjoy himself. It is so easy to pinpoint the negative in any situation but if you can find one small thing to make it better, go for it!

Brady hangin' in the shade on a hot day.

Brady hangin’ in the shade on a hot day.

Don’t hold grudges: This has to be my favorite attribute about my dog Brady and most dogs that I have met. Whenever Brady does something wrong, sometimes I lose my temper and yell a little (I mean doesn’t he realize chewing $800.00 Christian Louboutins is just NOT ok!). Even though Brady is clearly upset with me that I yelled at him, 10 minutes later he is back wagging his tail again and we can move on with the situation. If we focus too long on negative situations and can’t work past them, we will be wasting way too much time and energy. I know there are times that my dog is really upset with me, life isn’t always fair, but he never holds on to it for too long and he goes about his business. Life’s too short to be unhappy!

RIP my shoes

RIP my shoes

Of course I know dogs are not perfect. At no point should any human ever shred a 12 pack of Bounty Giant Rolls, the equivalent of 18 regular rolls, into 100 little pieces all over your condo (YES BRADY HAS DONE THIS). However, I do think our furry friends do facilitate some helpful lifestyle tips that we should try to incorporate into our everyday lives.

