Ask Erica: Where Can I find Your Utica Greens Recipe?

Ask Erica

Hi Erica,

I’m not on Facebook but would like to know how to get your recipe for Utica Greens. Thank you .



Hi Bill,

Thanks for writing in! 

You can find my Utica Greens recipe here. I think you will really enjoy them. I’ve been told that they are every bit as good as the ones you’ll get at Georgios and Chesterfields!

Also, I wanted to take this time to point out that you can search ANY of my recipes using the “Search” bar on the right of the page.

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I have lots of old blog posts to search through. Just type in your favorite food and see what kind of recipes you find!

If I haven’t written a recipe for something and you want it, just submit an Ask Erica! I will get back to you within 24-hours with an answer, recipe or a plan to get the recipe accomplished.

Love always,