Ask Erica: How to Remember Great Restaurants

Ask Erica

Hi Erica,

I love finding new favorite restaurants. I try getting cards from places I enjoy to eventually go back or if I want to recommend them, but if anyone asks me where to go for brunch/lunch/dinner, my mind goes blank.

How would you suggest I keep track of amazing places?



Hi Gabriel,

I can totally sympathize with you! Since I’m a huge foodie, people typically ask me where to go and it’s hard to keep track of all the great places I go. 

I think I may be able to help and have found two ways that work for me:

1) Every time I go to a great restaurant, I usually snap a photo of the menu (with the name of the restaurant on it) or take a picture outside of the sign with my phone. Then, I create photo folders on my cell to store the photos by city (or you could store by cuisine if you don’t get asked about multiple cities)!

For example, when someone asks me where to go in Boston and I go blank, I pull out my phone, find the Boston folder and start rambling off places. As a bonus, if I took a photo of the menu, I can even text it to whoever is asking me!  🙂

2) If taking photos aren’t your thing, that’s ok! Just keep a note in your phone and when you have a great meal, write down the name of the restaurant. I would do a different note for each city (or cuisine) so you don’t get confused. 

As another bonus, write down your favorite menu item next to each restaurant. In addition to providing a great restaurant recommendation, it’s always nice to tell someone about the menu highlights as well!

I hope these two tips help! Let me know how it works for you.

Love always,