Erica’s Mind Blowing Caesar Dressing

I never thought the time would come that I would share my caesar salad recipe, but I feel like there is not better time.

Last night I hit (and then exceeded) 1,000 Facebook fans. I’m just so overwhelmed with how supportive you’ve all been. Having a blog has always been a dream of mine and you’ve helped make this dream come true with your support, engagement and words of love towards me.

This dressing recipe is my thank you to you all. It is honestly the best caesar dressing you will ever try (I’m confident enough in it to say that). Every single person who tries it tells me they’ve never had a better dressing in their entire life. I won’t lie, it has a weird mix of ingredients, but put together it’s absolutely delicious.

What You’ll Need
1 cup mayo
1 egg
1/3 cup parmesan cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 tablespoon anchovy paste (you need it, PLEASE don’t skip it)
1 large garlic clove (or two small) (minced)
2 teaspoons sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste

What You’ll Do

1) Whisk all the ingredients in a big bowl for a minute or two (until combined)
2) Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

This recipe yields a ton! It stores well in the fridge, covered for about 3 days.

Serve it over romaine lettuce with some shaved parmesan cheese and homemade croutons and you’ll be one happy person. Oh, and feel free to tell people it’s your secret recipe. I don’t mind at all :).

Love always,