Truffled Whipped Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes

Potato stuffed tomato

Photo Credit:

Over the holidays, I spent some time in Boston with my boyfriends family. For a big dinner, I was asked to make the side dish. The stakes were high this year since I started my blog and most people were expecting something pretty interesting. I knew I wanted to make something that wasn’t just delicious, but aesthetically pleasing as well.

I decided to try out a new recipe that has been brewing in my head for a little while. I wanted to take my famous truffled mashed potatoes and stuff them inside of a tomato. In my head, this recipe sounded great. In actuality this dish was “total perfection” (a quote from our dinner)!

This recipe will make about 16 tomatoes. Feel free to adjust to make less if you’re just make this dish for just a couple of people.

What You’ll Need
3-4 lbs of your favorite potatoes, peeled and quartered
1.5 cups of half and half or cream
6 tablespoons butter
1/2 tablespoon of black truffle salt (more or less depending on how strong you like it)
16 large round tomatoes

What You’ll Do
1) Make your mashed potatoes! Start with cold water and your peeled/quartered potatoes. Bring it to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook for about 20 minutes (until potatoes are tender).

2) While the potatoes are cooking, cut the tops of your tomatoes and remove them. Take a small knife and cut around the inside edges and remove the inner core/seeds from the tomato with a spoon. Make sure to leave the walls of the tomato intact.

My hollowed out tomatoes!

My hollowed out tomatoes!

3) Once potatoes are done, drain them and add the half and half, butter and truffle salt. Mash together until smooth. For this recipe, I like to actually put it all in the blender on super low to get a really smooth, whipped texture (but you can totally do it by hand too).

4) Place the whipped potatoes into a pastry bag (or a big zip lock bag like I do). Then, pipe the potatoes into the hollowed tomatoes.

Me and my big sweater piping the potatoes into the tomatoes.

Me and my big sweater piping the potatoes into the tomatoes.

5) Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes until the tomatoes soften and the top gets nice and brown. Yum! 🙂

Love always,