8 Things to be More Patient About in 2014

Let’s face it. We live in a fast paced society where the mentality is always to rush everything. With 2014 approaching, I encourage everyone to stop for a minute, take a deep breath, and read through this list of things you should be a little bit more patient about next year (trust me!):

1) Losing Weight: There is NO healthy way to lose weight fast. Losing weight and changing your body takes time and a shift in lifestyle. Don’t give up if you don’t see results from healthy eating and exercise right away. Losing weight the healthy way may take longer, but will last longer than crash dieting or crazy exercise regimens. Never compromise giving your body what it needs to shed a few extra pounds!

2) Under the skin pimples: I know I am not the only one that gets excited the minute I think I am able to extract one of these pesky pimples. However in my 25 years of unfortunate breakouts (that you can’t see but make you want to cut your face off), I have learned to LEAVE IT ALONE.  Just continue to wash your face and put a treatment on it with salicylic acid. You will really thank me and not have a swollen golf ball on your face.

3) Growing out your eyebrows: Whether you are a man or a woman eyebrows are so important on a person’s face. I know that most of you, like me, have one of those mirrors that zoom in 1000 percent on your face. This has resulted so many times in over plucking your eyebrows and making them look so thin! Give your eyebrows some time to grow out fully, you can get those unsightly stragglers, but don’t touch the actual shape. Leave that to the professionals every 2-3 weeks.

5) Driving: I have spent way too many years rushing to get places while driving. More recently, I have really tried to be more patient when driving. I know we all have places to go but getting a ticket or getting into an accident is not the better alternative. Next time you’re rushed take a deep breath, put on your favorite Jay-Z song, and just cruise.

7) Heating up Food: Whether you are getting amazing take out or have leftovers from one of Erica’s amazing recipes never rush when reheating food. I know this one seems silly, but it makes a huge difference and is an important tip I learned from my bestfriend. I understand heating up food in the microwave is so easy, however, if you take that extra few minutes to heat something in the oven or on the stove, I promise your food will taste 100% better. Microwaves make your food squishy and soggy which are two words I never want something I am eating to be described as.

8) Achieving your goals: I know we live in a world where all you see on reality t.v. and in social media are people your age spending millions of dollars without blinking an eye. Unfortunately, for most of us, we won’t be buying ourselves our own private jet, Rolls Royce, and Hermes Birkin bag all for our next birthday. That doesn’t mean you will never be there! Remember the sky is the limit and hard work pays off in the end! Don’t get discourage if something doesn’t work out, always keep reaching for your goals and in a few years you can be exactly where you want to be.

I hope next time any of these things come up in your daily life, pause for a moment and remember, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle


What We Can Learn From Dogs

Melissa and Brady

Melissa and Brady

This morning I was inspired by my 2 year old dog Brady. That little guy really knows how to live life. Sometimes I sit and think I could learn a lot from him. I know you may think this sounds crazy, but here are a few things we could really learn from dogs:

Enjoy the little things: Dogs are so appreciative and happy! The smallest thing, such as rolling down the window for Brady so he can get a fresh breeze on his face, can make his entire day. Last time someone rolled down the window for me I “barked” at them (pun intended) to roll it back up, my hair was getting messy! We should enjoy these little things more and I think we could find a little bit more happiness out of our day.

Brady enjoying the park

Brady enjoying the park

Greet your loved ones: In my opinion this action has been lost over time. Whenever I come home Brady rushes to the door to greet me and lets me know how much he loves and misses me! Typically when people come to your home, unless you have to open the door for them, you stay exactly where you are and shout out “hi!” Next time your family comes over (mine has their own key) or that special someone, get up and give them a hug first thing when they walk in. They will really appreciate it and it’s a great habit to get into!

Brady waiting patiently for Mommy to come home.

Brady waiting patiently for Mommy to come home.

Take any opportunity to be outside: If you ask my dog (yes he understands English) if he would rather sit inside and flip through his Instagram page (@bradypickles) or be outside running around at the beach, he would choose the latter every time. With so many TV shows to catch up on and technology taking over our lives, we get so lazy. Try to be outside more, even if you live in the colder parts of the world, and enjoy the fresh air! Put down the technology once in a while.

Brady at the beach

Brady at the beach

Let people know how you feel about them: One of the most wonderful things about dogs is that their emotions are black and white. If they like you, they let you know. If they are upset with you they let you know as well. They don’t make you play the guessing game. When Brady meets a new person he really likes he instantly lets that person know it (usually by licking them to death, which I suggest you don’t do!). Be more honest and upfront with people, you will lead a much happier life if you don’t hold emotions back.

Brady wasn't as excited as I was to meet Lea Black from the RHOM.

Brady wasn’t as excited as I was to meet Lea Black from the RHOM.


Find the silver lining in any situation: I genuinely believe dog’s brains are programmed to look at any situation as a glass half full. For example if Brady wants to play fetch but no one will play with him he throws his bone across the room by flinging it from his mouth and goes after it. When it is too hot out Brady will find the littlest bit of shade and lie down and just enjoy himself. It is so easy to pinpoint the negative in any situation but if you can find one small thing to make it better, go for it!

Brady hangin' in the shade on a hot day.

Brady hangin’ in the shade on a hot day.

Don’t hold grudges: This has to be my favorite attribute about my dog Brady and most dogs that I have met. Whenever Brady does something wrong, sometimes I lose my temper and yell a little (I mean doesn’t he realize chewing $800.00 Christian Louboutins is just NOT ok!). Even though Brady is clearly upset with me that I yelled at him, 10 minutes later he is back wagging his tail again and we can move on with the situation. If we focus too long on negative situations and can’t work past them, we will be wasting way too much time and energy. I know there are times that my dog is really upset with me, life isn’t always fair, but he never holds on to it for too long and he goes about his business. Life’s too short to be unhappy!

RIP my shoes

RIP my shoes

Of course I know dogs are not perfect. At no point should any human ever shred a 12 pack of Bounty Giant Rolls, the equivalent of 18 regular rolls, into 100 little pieces all over your condo (YES BRADY HAS DONE THIS). However, I do think our furry friends do facilitate some helpful lifestyle tips that we should try to incorporate into our everyday lives.



2013 Best Bites: Chicago

Erica from everythingerica eating as usual!

Erica from everythingerica eating as usual!

In my 7 months in Chicago, I’ve probably eaten at more restaurants than people who have lived here for 7 years (if you don’t believe me, just ask my size 2’s that no longer want to button). As the end of the year is approaching, I wanted to share my 5 favorite dishes in all of Chicagoland and tell you where you can get them.


#5 Bite: Samurai Taco

Big and Littles Samurai Taco

Big and Littles Samurai Taco Photo Credit: Steve Z.

Where you can get it: Big and Littles located at 860 N. Orleans Street
Why it’s the best: I am honestly not a cooked seafood fan. Come to think of it, this may be the only dish with cooked fish I actually like. Why? Because the fish is perfectly battered and fried then covered with two of the most irresistible sauces I’ve ever tasted (a signature spicy mayo and incredible sticky sweet “teriyakish” type sauce that you’ll have to taste to fully understand). The fish is stuffed into a delicious and surprisingly authentic corn tortilla and topped with lettuce and jalapeño peppers. It’s completely and utterly mind blowing.

#4 Bite: Lou Malnatis Sweet Vinaigrette

Lou Malnati's Sweet Vinegrette

Lou Malnati’s Sweet Vinegrette

Where you can get it: Lou Malnati’s with over 20 locations all over Chicago
Why it’s the best: Who orders a salad at one of the best pizza places in Chicago? Well until my boyfriends mom came to town and taught me some discipline, I sure didn’t! Last time she was in town, we all ordered pizza from Lou’s and she ordered a house salad with their signature sweet vinaigrette. To all of our surprises, the dressing was the best part of the whole meal. For the first time in my entire life, I couldn’t get enough salad. The best part? They sell the dressing online and in stores. You can buy some and try it for yourself right here.

#3 Bite: Bombolini

Bombolini Siena Tavern

Photo Credit: Siena Tavern via tripadvisor.com

Where you can get it: Siena Tavern, located at 51 W Kinze Street
Why it’s the best: This italian donut defies everything you would think a normal donut should be. First of all, the thing is made from potato, but taste like a pillow of sweetness. It’s covered in delicious sugar and served with 3-4 seasonal sauces that you’re supposed to fill the bombolini with. I’ve written about this before, but hopefully this post will serve as a reminder to get over to Siena Tavern ASAP to try this incredible dessert.

#2 Bite: Sakura Sushi Roll

Sakura Roll

Sakura Roll

Where you can get it: Rolls ‘N Bowls, located at 5501 N Lincoln Ave
Why it’s the best: Although this place is a little bit outside my River North neighborhood, this roll is worth the 5-mile drive. The Sakura roll literally embodies decadence. It’s stuffed with cream cheese, spicy tuna, cucumber, avocado, unagi sauce and then covered with tempura crumb. I advise you only have this roll once or twice a year or you may experience sensory overload.

#1 Bite: Butter Cake

Mastro's Warm Butter Cake

Mastro’s Warm Butter Cake

Where you can get it: Mastros Steakhouse located at 520 N Dearborn Street
Why it’s the best: If you’ve already tried this completely glutinous dessert, then you know why it’s in my number 1. I honestly don’t think I’ve experienced a better cake in my entire life. One time, I was craving it so bad, that I called in a to-go order and assembled it at my house (less people to judge me).  I have a feeling this one will be on my list every single year.

So, that is my list! Although I have a feel things I just spoke about will be around for a while, I encourage you to rush over to the places I mentioned and end 2013 with the best bites in Chicago!

Love always,

Eating My Way Through Mexico

Enjoying a Taco in Mazatlan, Mexico

Enjoying a Taco in Mazatlan, Mexico


Last weekend I spent the most amazing 4 days visiting Mazatlan, Mexico to see my friends Stefy and Michael get married. Not only was the wedding the most incredible event I’ve ever attended  (and I’m not exaggerating), but every single meal I had during the course of my vacation was simply perfection. Having never been to Mexico, I’ve never had “true” Mexican food before. It was too good and I couldn’t help but share my culinary adventure with you all…

Dinner at El Presidio

Despite my 14 hour journey that started at 4 a.m. on Thursday morning, I was determined to make it out to dinner with my friend, James that night. He found an amazing restaurant in the Old City of Mazatlan called El Presidio whose head chef is the famous Mexican Chef, Diego Becerra. Thank god I was able to muster up the energy to go, because our meal was incredible.

We decided to split an amazing bottle of Italian Red Wine and order a bunch of appetizers and a dessert including:

Hamachi from El Presidio

Chicharones Quesadillas

Pork Pot Tacos

Lava Chocolate Cake

We also had the most incredible ceviche, but James was so excited, he took a huge bite before I could get a photo. Oh well, he found the place, so he’s forgiven.


I ate this dish for breakfast every single morning. It’s basically like mashed up fresh tortilla strips, cooked in a delicious red or green sauce with shredded chicken and crème fraîche. It’s served with a side of re-fried beans.


In my 27 years of existence I have never found beans that I liked (except green ones) until I went to Mexico. I honestly couldn’t stop eating them all week.

The Wedding Menu

Stefy and her husband Michael had the best wedding food I’ve ever seen. This wasn’t traditional or typical wedding dining, but a 5-star culinary experience. It was a 4-course meal that consisted of at least two choices for each. Since I can’t talk about every dish (or I would be here all day), I’ll show you my two favorite dishes of the night.

Tuna tartare

Tomato, Mozzarella Tower with Pesto

Just look at the intricacy of these two dishes and imagine creating them (and all the others) for over 600 guests. I’m blown away…

As you can probably tell, I’m totally in love with Mexico. I’m officially making Mexico my go-to spot for an easy yet amazing vacation. Between the food, the gracious people and the beauty of the country, I think I left a piece of my heart there when I left.

To see more photos of the wedding or my weekend in Mexico, follow me on Instagram at @everythingerica

El amore siempre,

5 Ways to Stay Sane During the Work Week

As our alarms go off Monday morning, most of us typically think (or scream out loud) “Is Monday really here already?!” Unfortunately that answer is yes, another work week is upon us. Working now for over 3 years as a CPA, I certainly understand “Sunday Funday” turning into “Monday Sadday”.

Luckily, over the past couple years I have discovered my top 5 ways to stay sane during the work week and make it straight to Friday:

1. Get excited about Monday! Monday doesn’t have to be the worst day of the week. Look at it as a clean slate and the start of something exciting every week! I have a ritual where every Monday morning I get something super delicious for breakfast, pair it with an Iced French Vanilla Coffee, and catch up on e-mails and make my list for the week (personal and work). I look forward to this every Monday. Think about creating your own ritual on Monday to set a positive tone for the rest of the work week. Just think once Monday is over only 4 days until Friday!

2. Find an activity that you love for during the week. I think too many of us can get into the habit of going straight home from work, eating dinner, watching TV, and then falling asleep. Try to break this cycle! For me, this was teaching Pure Barre classes before and after work. I found that if I have something else to look forward to, besides my awesome job, the work week seems that much better! Trust me I know catching up on your favorite shows is an activity, but find something outside of your house to do at least 2-3 times a week. Don’t wait for the weekend!

3. Break up your day! I know there will always be those days where you just can’t get out of the office, but on the days you can take advantage. When I worked at a large public accounting firm my rule was always get out for lunch (when I could) and take that extra moment for myself. Now that I work closer to home, I love taking my dog out for a quick walk at lunch or even working out over my lunch break. Find something during that short time that will allow you to take a deep breath and enjoy the day!

4. Go out on a work night. There is no better way to stay sane during the work week than staying in touch with your fun side. I am not suggesting you go out and party all night (been there, done that, BRUTAL!) but I am suggesting you meet up with friends at least one night a week whether it’s for dinner, drinks, or to go to any fun place to get dressed up. Don’t let work take over your life, at one point you were a lot of fun! I figure I am up until midnight on most work nights, instead of hanging at home one or two nights I stay out until that time with friends.

5. Create an environment you love to be in! I am a huge believer in an atmosphere being able to transform your mood. Whether you work in an office, a cubical, or at a table with a group of people make your workspace a place you want to be. When I got my office the first thing I did was make a trip HomeGoods and Office Depot. My goal was to walk into my office and feel as I do when I walk into my house. I always get compliments from co-works on “homey” my office feels, and I love coming into my office every day! It doesn’t hurt either that I have a collage of my super cute dog on one of my cabinets (I know crazy). Make your space your own; you spend a lot of time there!

I hope you try to incorporate some of these tips into your work week. I think you will really notice a difference! Plus try to remember…it’s almost Friday!


melissMelissa Eckman is a contributing writer to EverythingErica.com. Over the years, she has developed some really helpful lifestyle tips and beauty tricks to help her keep sane and looking as fabulous as possible. Her crazy life includes her day job as Certified Public Accountant, teaching exercise classes, spending time with her adorable maltipoo, Brady, and maintaing a very exciting social life in South Florida.

5 Holiday Gifts for the Foodies in your Life

With the Holidays just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share my top gift picks for your foodie friend or family member! With food being such a huge trend right now, there are so many great things on the market.

Here are my 5 favorites:

The Love With Food Box

The Love With Food Box

1) Love with Food Box: Of all the monthly subscription boxes out there, this one is my favorite. I’ve had it for about 6 months and I plan to give it too all my foodie friends this year. Basically, once a month, the Love With Food box send you a  box of unique, interesting and difficult to find, snacks right to your home.

The box is healthy too! It is full of all-natural or organic snacks that will open your eyes to some pretty neat companies. Subscription memberships start as low as $10/month!

As a bonus, for every box you get in the mail, the company donates a meal to food banks such as the Feeding America Network or Share Our Strength.

Molecule-R Cuisine R-Evolution Kit

Molecule-R Cuisine R-Evolution Kit

2.)  Molecule-R Cusine R-Evolution Kit: If you’re not a foodie yourself, you’re probably thinking, what the heck is this? Well, let me explain! There is a HUGE culinary moment going on called “molecular gastronomy”. This type of cooking uses chemicals to transform ordinary ingredients.

While this culinary movement has been traditionally difficult to do in your own home (due to the crazy chemicals needed), this new kit changes the game. Imagine being able to make mint caviar beads that burst in the mouth, chocolate spaghetti, lemon foam or tzatziki spheres? “This “do it yourself” molecular gastronomy kit includes all you need to experiment at home with the molecular techniques seen on top chef and in high-end restaurants, but without the celebrity chef price tag.”

I bought this for my boyfriends Mom last year and she loved it! For only about $60, I think it’s a steal!

3) Nudo Italia: How cool would it be if you could adopt an olive tree on behalf of your foodie friend and then send them olive oil directly from that tree? Guess what, you can!

Nudo Italia, a subscription based gift allows you to do just that! After the tree has been adopted, the company will then send an gift pack to your recipient with a certificate and pamphlet that talks about the tree. Then, throughout the year (depending on how many times you pay for it), your friend/family member will receive shipments of the oil. Pretty neat!

As a side-note, no one has ever gotten this for me. Just sayin’… 🙂

4) A Customized Chef’s Coat: Last year, my boyfriends Mom got this for me and I literally feel like a rockstar every time I am in the kitchen (see photo proof of my excitement below).

There are lots of places you an order this. Here a couple of options:
a) http://www.culinaryclassics.com/
b) http://www.crookedbrook.com/chef-coats.htm

Me in my Chef's Coat

Me in my Chef’s Coat

5) Mushroom Kit: Even though I hate mushrooms, this is still a pretty cool gift. With this kit, you can grow your own mushrooms right from the box. With very little maintenance, you can grow up to a pound and a half of gourmet pearl oyster mushrooms in as little as 10 days (trust me, that’s a lot of fungus)!

Everything your foodie friend will need is included and can be used to grows 2–4 crops. Best part about it? The product is made in the USA (and I’m always a huge proponent of supporting your own  economy).

So that’s my Top 5 picks for 2013! Do you have any favorites foodie gift ideas?

Love always,

The Challenge Begins! | Week 1 Meal Plan

Is everybody ready to get healthy?! I know I am…

After an amazing 72 hour trip to Mexico (and eating way too much), I’m totally ready to cleanse my body and get started!

Remember to keep a record of your points everyday and report them to me on Sunday (I will put a form out in a post on Sunday).

Here is your shopping list for the week:

3 heads of romaine lettuce
Bag of carrot sticks
6 celery stalks
1 Spaghetti squash
1 onion
4 tomatos
1 bell pepper
1/2 pound broccoli
1 small bunch asparagus
3 avocados
1 head of garlic
1 small jalapeno
Any other vegetables you would like in your chopped salads (i.e cucumbers, grapes, extra tomatoes, onions)

1 carton of vanilla almond milk
A carton of eggs
Blue cheese
Parmesan cheese
Goat Cheese
Packahe of string Cheese

Nuts and Seeds
1 bag of chia seeds
1 bag of almonds
1 container of hummus or make your own

3 chicken breast
4-6 oz steak (I prefer filet)
1 bag tofu shirataki noodles

Truffle Salt

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Breakfast Chia
Seed Pudding
Egg white omelet with your
choice of veggies
Chia Seed Pudding Egg white omelet with your choice of veggies Chia Seed Pudding Egg white omelet
with your choice of veggies
Chia Seed Pudding
Snack 2 Hard
boiled eggs
Handful of almonds carrot/celery sticks and hummus Handful of Almonds  carrot/celery sticks
and hummus
Handful of Almonds Handful of almonds
Lunch Chopped Salad with protein
of choice
Truffle chicken salad over lettuce Chopped Salad with protein of choice Egg salad
Lettuce Wrap
Chopped Salad with protein of choice Chopped Salad with protein of choice Leftover chicken tacos
Snack carrot sticks/celery
and hummus
Crispy Lemon
Kale Chips
String Cheese Crispy Lemon
Kale Chips
2 Hard boiled eggs String cheese carrot sticks and hummus
Dinner Spaghetti Squash w/ tomato
and caramelized onion
Asian chicken lettuce wraps Quinoa Stuffed
Tomato with Goat Cheese
Petit 4-6oz filet. Topped with
blue cheese with asparagus
Stir-fry w/ Tofu
Shirataki Noodles
Chicken Tacos and
(with lettuce wraps

instead of tortillas)
Chopped Salad

Most of the meals/snacks are linked in some-way to help get you started!

This meal plan is simply a guide to help guide your week. I am not a dietician nor am I endorsing that you follow this meal plan exactly. I tried to make sure you get enough protein in everyday, but if you feel like you are missing some, feel free to add some or supplement with a protein shake.

As you can tell the diet, it is very low carb, yet high in protein and good healthy fats. As long as you stick with-in that particular frame work, you should start to feel healthier! If you are a vegetarian, feel free to use your judgement and substitute accordingly!

Remember, you are in charge and you are your own judge!

As for work-outs, here is my schedule for the week:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Pilates (1 hr) 30 Minute Cardio 1 hr Cardio Dance Class Pilates (1 Hr) Day off Pilates 30 Minutes Cardio

Good luck this week! I am excited to hear how you do! Please share your stories as I share mine and let’s all get healthy together :)!

Love always,

Happy Thanksgiving: 5 Things I am Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families! I wanted to take this opportunity to express the 5 things I am most thankful for (besides my blog, which you all know means more than anything to me).

1) My Parents: Where would I even be without them? I literally don’t think I could have more supportive and loving parents. I am so proud of the way they have raised me and l can only hope to raise my kids half as well. They’ve always believed in me, talked to me like an adult (even when I was 5-years old screaming in the middle of a restaurant) and supported my dreams. Their firm belief in tough love has taught me to be a strong, independent woman who can take on the world wherever I go.

2) My Sister: My best friend, my other half and my go to girl when I need to talk. I don’t know how I’d survive this crazy world without you to help me navigate it. You single handily have gotten me through some of the most difficult times of my life by reminding me that no matter what happens in life or who turns on me, we will always be best friends. You’re the most beautiful, smart and intelligent woman I know (besides Mom obviously) and I couldn’t be more proud to know you.

3) Daniel (my boyfriend): You defy everything I ever thought love was and changed my mentality on what it should be. You embrace my independence, support my dreams and are the level head to my insanity when I need it. I couldn’t be more thankful to have you (and your incredible family) in my life. Thanks for nudging me to move to Chicago. Hands down it was the best decision I’ve ever made (besides going to grad-school since that is where we met).

4) My Friends and extended family: I’m not sure I’d survive without you. Through out my crazy life, I’ve moved around a lot. Despite my crazy ride, a few of my friends have always just been there for me. Although the number of true friends have dwindled over the years, there are a few who have stuck by and have been my rock (no matter how far apart we are). I won’t even try to name names (since if I forget someone I’ll feel terrible), but you know who you are.

I am also so thankful to have such a loving and supportive extended family. While we’re a small bunch, we are always there for each other and I couldn’t be happier to have you in my life.

5) My Career: Most of you probably know, but in addition to my passion for food, I have a day job that I love just as much. I am the Director of Operations for an amazing Chicago based real-estate company, Luxury Living Chicago. With-in a few weeks of moving here, I met Aaron and Amy Galvin and they believed in me enough to create a HUGE position in their company for me. I couldn’t be more thankful to have met them and to be working with two people who are supportive when it comes to achieving my dreams. 

I hope you all have the happiest Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for this year?

Love always,

3 Things That Have Suffered Since Starting My Blog

Photo Credit jobscience.com

Photo Credit jobscience.com

I can’t believe just one month ago, I was lying in my bed and made the decision to launch my blog.

For months, I had been working on this concept and the content, but for whatever reason, I was too nervous to open it up to the world. Although I’m glad I waited (you really do have to be totally ready to launch one of these), this past month has been one of the most fulfilling of my entire life.

Since I’ve had to put SO much effort in to my blog, there are a few things in my life that have had to suffer and I thought it would be fun to acknowledge them and apologize for my lack of attention over the last month.

I will do my best to find a better balance…

1) My waistline: Since starting my blog, I’ve gained about 3lbs. I know this doesn’t seem terrible considering how much I’m reviewing restaurants and writing new recipes,  but to put it into perspective, my “fat jeans” are starting to feel snug (hence the Get Healthy Challenge).

As a result, I’ve made a promise to myself to restrain my self to just taking small bites of menu items instead of licking the plate of every item they bring something out. I’ll also increase my workouts from 2 days a week to at least 4.

2) Time with my Boyfriend, Dan: Obviously when you spend all of your mornings and nights blogging and your days working, your relationship (if you’re in one) is going to suffer. Unfortunately, I’m no exception.

Dan, if you are reading this (and you better be), I am sorry I haven’t been able to hang as much. Thank you for being totally supportive, providing endless blog ideas and accompanying me to all of these restaurants, where I make you wait 5 minutes before eating so that I can get the perfect photo. I promise that over the Holidays, I will turn it off for a few.

3) Candy Crush Saga: How I miss this game!!! What used to be my morning ritual has now turned into a long lost memory. Before starting my blog I was at level 290. Today, I’m at 296.

Come to think of it…maybe this one isn’t such a bad one to take time away from. There was a point a few months ago that I thought I might have to go to Candy Crush Rehab (or start the program since my Newsfeed tells me there are many many addicts).

All kidding aside, I have truly gained so much over this past month. Not only have my close friends and family been supportive of this endeavor, but even old friends, acquaintances and new fans  have stepped up and acted as everythingerica.com ambassadors.  I’m totally overwhelmed and humbled by the support you’ve all shown. You’re the reason I wake up extra early every morning (or stay up super late) to write blog posts.

Since the blog started just 30 days ago, everythingerica.com has 460 Facebook Fans and an average of 500 blog views per day. So in short, thank you. There is no way in the world this could have happened without your shares, likes and interactions.

Here’s to the future…

Love always,

My Favorite Cookbook of 2013 (Giveaway Alert)!!!

Truly Healthy Family Cookbook

Photo Credit: Bill Bettencour

As most of my readers probably know, I’m not much of a recipe follower. I like to take my inspiration from the ingredients around me and trust my own pallet to make my cooking choices.

Despite my independent cooking style, there is one cookbook on the market that I actually love and that is, “The Truly Healthy Family Cookbook”, by Tina Ruggiero. This registered dietician knows her stuff when it comes to nutrition and as a bonus, she knows how to make some seriously delicious food.

Some of my go-to recipes from this book include:

1) Flipped-Out FlapJacks: These curried vegetable pancakes are packed with sweet potato, carrots and zucchini. I promise, they will legitimately change your mind about healthy eating. I make them for almost all my parties and my guests literally “flip out”.

Flipped-Out Flap Jacks Photo Credit: Bill Bettencour

Flipped-Out Flap Jacks
Photo Credit: Bill Bettencourt

2) The Apple of My Eye: This is a baked apple, stuffed with caramel, hazelnuts and frozen yogurt. Not only is this recipe insanely decadent, but it offers a huge “wow factor” every time I serve them. I simply adore them (and you will too).

The Apple of My  Eye Photo Credit: Bill Bettencourt

The Apple of My Eye
Photo Credit: Bill Bettencourt

3) Parma Panini: This pressed sandwich combines ham, peaches, roasted red peppers and gruyere cheese. I know it sounds like a strange combination of ingredients, but there is something about the sweet peaches with the salty ham and cheese that makes this sandwich a winner every time.

Parma Panini Photo Credit: Bill Bettencourt

Parma Panini
Photo Credit: Bill Bettencourt

Not only is Tina’s cookbook amazing, but I’m totally addicted to her DIY nutrition tips that she post on Twitter. You can follow her at @Tina_Ruggiero

Since I’m such a fan of this book, I want to pass it on to one of my readers!

To win a copy for yourself, all you have to do is subscribe to my blog via e-mail before December 1st, at midnight, and you will be entered to win a copy. If you’re already subscribed, you’re already entered to win! I will announce the winner on December 2nd.

Since there can only be one winner (or you can’t wait to see if you’ve won), you can order your very own copy on Amazon: http://amzn.to/HmpNgf. It makes a great gift or stocking stuffer for the healthy home-cook!

Love always,